Introducing another Security & Mobility Now blogger. Seemed about the right time to introduce, well, myself.
What did you want to be growing up? Did you see yourself where you are now?
Like a lot of young girls, I wanted to be a vet. But as much as I wanted to save the animals, I think I also just liked saying “veterinarian.” I thought it sounded impressive. Only problem is I’ve been known to pass out from the mere sight of blood. So, unfortunately, that was out.
Ultimately, having grown up an Army brat and spending several formative years in Europe, I wound up studying French and beginning my career in Paris. In fashion.
From fashion to security technology, it’s a pretty obvious path, no?
What led you to Juniper?
The Altor Networks acquisition! Juniper acquired us—a small virtualization security startup—in December 2010. Hard to believe it was nearly three years ago.
Tell us about your blogs. What do you write about?
For a while, I concentrated on virtsec, but lately I’ve been trending toward trying to relate things in my everyday life to security.
Recent pieces have been about invisible dog fences and next-gen firewalls, riding helmets and other preventative safety/security measures, and, of course, the curse of the O’Malley apostrophe and how it can cause security vulnerabilities—and incredulous stares from hotel clerks.
What do you like to do when you’re not working? What’s your passion?
My passion really hasn’t changed since I was a kid. Still love animals. When I’m not glued to a computer screen, I’m usually either chilling with my dogs or riding my horses. My discipline of choice is dressage, which challenges and rewards on a daily basis.
Please connect further on Twitter or JNet.
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